le Libellio Automne 2009:

“One of my colleague‟s put a telling cartoon on the wall of our Xerox room. It reads : „Breakfast Theory : A Morning Methodology.‟ The cartoon describes two new cereals : Foucault Flakes and Post-Modern Toasties. The slogan for Foucault Flakes reads : “It‟s French so it must be good for you. A breakfast commodity so complex that you need a theoretical apparatus to digest it. You don‟t want to eat it ; you‟ll just want to read it. Breakfast as a text.“ And Post-Modern Toasties : “More than just a cereal, it‟s a commentary on the nature of cereal-ness, cerealism, and the theory of cerealtivity. Free decoding ring inside.

I had swallowed the whole flake, undigested, as my morning methodology, but, alas, I never found the decoding ring.”  (Nancy Sommers)



  • p.1, Developmentalism, par R. Loveridge 

  • p.14, La désagrégation du couple : une analyse sociologique de la fin d’une relation, par M. Ayache 

  • p.22, La terre en-vie ou la Gaia scienza, par A. Jeunemaitre
  • p.34, Qu’est-ce qu’un dispositif ? Agamben, Foucault et Irénée de Lyon dans leurs rapports avec la gestion, par H. Dumez

  • p.39, La soutenance de thèse ailleurs, par H. Dumez


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